Archives mensuelles : février 2020

Hermès and Hyères are in the news on


Hermès Sets New Prize at Hyères Fashion Festival " prize for the 2020 edition of Hyères: Hermès has created a new accessories prize delivering an endowment of 20,000 euros, or $22,000, for the best collaboration between a Hyères finalist and the Hermès ateliers for a leather-based piece of jewelry. “It’s kind of amazing to think that in a couple of weeks, these 10 young fashion school graduates will be able to go work in the Hermès ateliers,” Blanc said." ******click here***** to read the entire article Fleur Burlet WWDJanuary 27, 2020

Hermès and Hyères are in the news on WWD.com2020-02-25T02:21:32+01:00

NowFashion reviews upcoming Villa Noailles International Fashion, Photography and Accessories Festival  (April 23-27)


About the festival @ the VILLA NOAILLES - read in Nowfashion : "Hyères’ Fashion Finalists: Beyond Traditional Beauty" by Rebecca Voight France’s upcoming Hyères International Fashion, Photography and Accessories Festival  (April 23-27) turns thirty-five this year. Like the stylish world it celebrates, the finalists are making their mark with diversity, original materials, artisanal expertise and personal vision. Half of the shortlisted designers, five out of ten, are from France, which shows a marked increase. The rest, selected by a jury presided this year by Jonathan Anderson, are from Poland, Belgium, Italy and Austria. read the full article

NowFashion reviews upcoming Villa Noailles International Fashion, Photography and Accessories Festival  (April 23-27)2020-02-24T18:31:22+01:00

Elan Magazine Janvier 2020: Press Review pour Lilianne Milgrom, artiste en résidence en Juillet 2019


FEATURE ARTICLE IN ELAN MAGAZINE JANUARY 2020 Elan magazine kicked off the year with a feature article showcasing Liliane Milgrom art. The article covers a variety of styles and mediums that I like to work in. The most important thing for me is to create work in a style that the subject demands. Read the full article here.  Remember...About LILIANNE I could well be described as a “global artist at large”. Born in Paris, growing up in Australia and living for extended periods in Israel, and now, the United States. My life revolves around art - creating art, looking at art and writing [...]

Elan Magazine Janvier 2020: Press Review pour Lilianne Milgrom, artiste en résidence en Juillet 20192020-02-18T00:08:06+01:00

Art in Var reviews : « Ruby Silvious-26 days in Provence »


Bienvenue sur le site d’Art in Var, initiative d’une passionnée désireuse de vous faire découvrir les richesses culturelles du Var. Partez à la rencontre de l’Art sous toutes ses formes: peinture, sculpture mais aussi architecture et archéologie. Visitez les expositions présentées dans les musées locaux, découvrez les curiosités culturelles et assistez aux performances des artistes eux-mêmes. Art In Var, c’est découvrir l’art autrement! instagram ART IN VAR  Du Thé à l’Art par Ruby Silvious Blog ARTINVAR Posté le 22 mai 2017 Ruby Silvious aime travailler avec les matériaux recyclés. Elle joue avec notre regard et démontre que l'art surgit même dans les [...]

Art in Var reviews : « Ruby Silvious-26 days in Provence »2020-02-12T18:32:11+01:00

Ruby Silvious In Japan /Revue de Presse en japonais


Ruby Silvious  is BIG in Japan and ... and LM Studio is mentioned on the website of CREATIVE SPACE HAYASHI source: "About the MOST RECENT EXHIBIT Marking the introduction of a new international artist-in-residency program, Ruby Silvious was the first resident artist at LM Studio in Hyères, at the southern tip of France’s illustrious Côte d’Azur region, where she recently showcased paintings inspired by her visit in a solo exhibit, Printemps en Provence: 26 Days of Tea in France, from May 5 – 27, 2017. "SELECTED SOLO EXHIBITIONS: 2017 Printemps en Provence, LM Studio, 5 bis rue du Portalet, Hyères France - [...]

Ruby Silvious In Japan /Revue de Presse en japonais2020-02-08T20:37:32+01:00

Meeting Shari Pratt in Arles


Aout 2019/August 2019 August 2019: the artist in residence @lmStudio is Shari Pratt. Usually, I try to be around Hyères to welcome the artist and help for the first days..But it is not always possible and sometimes even the artist does'nt wish it. This time, I had asked Shari if it was ok for her if I wasn't around. Indeed,  I had the opportunity to travel to Asia during several weeks this summer- Really it was a wonderful opportunity to prospect for LM Studio: reach out old friends, visit new artists in Dubai, Singapore, Bengaluru, Melbourne, Sydney..More news about this [...]

Meeting Shari Pratt in Arles2020-02-07T14:21:55+01:00
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