
L’occasion de voir les oeuvres de Lyne Bastien @ Plural


C'est une information de la galerie FEHELEY fine arts qui annonce sa participation prochaine à l'évènement "PLURAL" et la présentation d'oeuvres de Lyne BASTIEN April 21 – 23 Grand Quay 200 de la Commune St. W. Montreal, QC Booth 113 We are thrilled to return to Montreal for the Plural (formerly Papier) contemporary art fair. Visit our booth to see works by Lyne Bastien, Saimaiyu Akesuk, Myra Kukiiyaut, and a special feature on the North/South collaborative prints made by the Inuit artists of the Kinngait Studios (Kinngait, NU) and Studio PM (Montreal, QC). Born in Abitibi, a forest-rich region in western [...]

L’occasion de voir les oeuvres de Lyne Bastien @ Plural2023-04-21T22:31:30+02:00
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