Sébastien Courty -LMStudio’2017 shortlisted for CODA Award 2022


CODA Award 2022 MESSAGE DE SEBASTIEN COURTY Hello Hello there, how are you? One of my project with the US Embassy in Saudi Arabia has been shortlisted for the CODA Award 2022 and it is now up to the public to Vote! Can you please click on the link below, scroll down until you find my project and VOTE for me and your bias would be so appreciated 🤗 ❤️ thank you so much.   lien pour voir le projet https://www.codaworx.com/projects/us-embassy-in-dhahran-saudi-arabia-saudi-unity/ Overview “SAUDI UNITY” – US EMBASSY IN DHAHRAN, SAUDI ARABIA A composition of thirteen vertical handwoven Totems representing the thirteen [...]